Wohnen und Lernen unter einem Dach:
- Totale Sprachinmersion – es wird die ganze Zeit nur Englisch gesprochen.
- Maximal 25 SprachschülerInnen aus unterschiedlichen Herkunftsländern in der Schule.
- Spaß beim Lernen und Leben in “Großfamilienatmosphäre”.
Maximal 8 SprachschülerInnen pro Klasse.
3 Stunden täglich Unterricht, 5 Tage die Woche.
Die Kurse sind auf die Bedürfnisse der einzelnen SchülerInnen abgestimmt.
Großes Gebäude mit weitläufigem Garten.
Alle Zimmer mit eigenem Bad.
Der Preis beinhaltet alle Mahlzeiten sowie Snacks und Obst zwischendurch.
Seit über 30 Jahren bieten wir Englischkurse in unser Heimat England an
„Echo“ ist eine Sprachschule im Südosten Englands. Unser einzigartiger, familienbasierter Ansatz, unter einem Dach zu lernen und zu leben, bietet Kindern eine sichere, unterhaltsame und motivierende Umgebung, in der sie ihre Englischkenntnisse effektiv verbessern können.
Thank you all for the amazing experience I had here at Echo. You showed me that English is not so hard to speak as I thought and is also really fun. I am sad to leave you because I was brave enough to make new friends. Maybe I am able to come back next year, but, still, this was one of the best things I have ever done in life. You also taught me self-confidence, and I’m really thankful for that, and sad: it’s hard to say goodbye.
Dear Alex, Carmen, Nico and Ana & all the staff from Echo,
Thank you very much for the unforgettable holidays I had here. You are so nice and made me have a great first time here at Echo. I met a lot of very kind and friendly people, had fun and of course improved my English. Very happy about my choice to come here, and I hope I’ll see you all next year.
P.S. The food was very good, thank you Carmen! And it was really nice of you to celebrate my birthday 🙂
Thank you very much for the two weeks I spent in Brighton.
I like very much the courses and the activities.
I think it will help me for next year.
Can you say thank you to the teachers for me.
I hope to come back next year
Dear Alex,
Thank you for these awesome two weeks. I had a really good time in Echo again and I really miss you all. I have learned a lot and maybe we will see each other again next year.
Many Greetings to everyone!